Are you ready to help "clean the world"?

Anne Naylor ENJO

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There is a choice, and we choose every single day - do we add to the great amount of household & business waste emitted by our us or do we DO SOMETHING to start to make a small difference and teach our children and their children better ways to ensure our beautiful planet can return to its former glory?

One super easy choice that our ever-amazing Trading Mate, Anne can assist with, is to help us convert to sustainable cleaning products that are manufactured, distributed and then end their life being reused and/or repurposed, and that product is, of course, ENJO!

The wondrous Enjo fibres can clean your home with just tap water and believe it or not studies have shown that the wash (with the glove) and dry (with the miracle cloth) concept actually leaves less germs and bacteria on surfaces than using wet and wipe types of cleaning / disinfecting products & methods - and Enjo has a fibre solution for absolutely every room in the house as well as for your vehicles & all of your outdoor areas!!

So not only will you save the environment by getting rid of the myriad of packaged products that used to hit your shopping trolley, you'll also save bucket loads of money on purchasing those products - because replacing them with the high quality and super long lasting Enjo products means that your savings will actually go on and on - for YEARS.

If you want to find out more and maybe even take advantage of the latest discounts and specials, give Anne a buzz on 0438 362 561, follow her on Facebook @ and checkout more info on the website:

We at love your work Anne, and the difference you are making by doing your VERY BEST everyday in this world is something we can all emulate :)

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