Get your motor running . . .

Freshwater Small Engines

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Sometimes it doesn't seem worth it to fix the small things, but in this day and age our huge amounts of waste are becoming a massive problem, so the reduce, reuse and recycle options are now more important than ever!

Sharni & Steve from Freshwater Small Engines are massive advocates of this principle, so when you're looking at tossing something that usually purrs but has turned into a choking cough or won't even turnover, make the call before you head out to buy another whipper snipper, lawn mower, generator, hedge trimmer, gokart or small motor / quad bike.

Follow this great business on Facebook @ or give them a call directly on 0433 726 812 for a quote on anything small engine related.

Welcome to the team - we are so pleased to have you on board helping us all to make a better planet for the future of our kids and grandkids :)


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