Help is at hand!

The Computer Dude Cairns

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Some words that send chills up the spines of so many of us . . . syncing, data recovery, home & office networking, viruses, email security, mobile integration and then there's the acronyms - SMTP, POP, IMAP, HTTP, OS . . . eeeewww, it's like someone scraping fingernails up a chalk board, please ... make it STOP! 

If it's time to do a reboot, replacement or a clean-up of your computer system, make sure it's with someone who values client trust, operates with the utmost integrity - but also someone who won't take advantage of our surface-only knowledge and looks after our hip-pocket too!

Someone like Eric - The Computer Dude!

Find him at 23 Johnstone St - just off the highway in Stratford (right next door to the new office actually) or call for an appointment on 0429 913 749, and for more info head to and give this terrific new Trading Mate the big thumbs up on Facebook @

Welcome! Our business community can always do with a friendly hand when it comes to our traumatic tech troubles, and real-time relief of our digital dilemmas :)

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