"You don't have to be rich, beautiful or perfect, you just have to care."
Brad & Una at Pinnacle Support are support coordinators working with clients to "unpack" their NDIS support packages, whilst taking the time to explain what is available to each individual, so they may reach their goals, work towards their best capacity and continue with maximum independence and hands-on support, where and as necessary.
If you are in need of assistance, or perhaps know someone who is ready to understand their NDIS plan and find meaningful connections to the community and mainstream services, get in touch with this professional care team by calling Una on 0458 966 138, Brad on 0458 949 809, or by emailing info@pinnaclesuppport.com.au
For more information call 0458 966 138, or head across to https://pinnaclesupport.com.au/ and like and follow on Facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/pinnaclesupport for all the latest info and updates from this very caring team!
What an absolutely amazing business to have amongst the www.tradingmate.com.au business community! Una, we love the passion you bring to your work, as you say "if you love what you do, you'll never work a day in your life" keep being you and bringing so much joy to the people you surround yourself with!