Realistic insurance for small businesses

Candor Insurance Group Pty Ltd

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"Small business owners tend to be born optimists with little inclination to think about what could go wrong. That’s why it pays to have an insurance broker in your corner to safeguard what you’ve worked for."

Business has changed recently, cost cutting is imminent so check out exactly what you need and what debits you can cancel or reduce. With the economical shifts and adjustments to business, now is the time do do an insurance review - and Lauren could not be more helpful, knowledgeable & understanding of exactly the challenges we are all faced with right now - with Candor Insurance Group being a small business itself!

Call today - 0447 840 822 and Lauren will start comparing apples with apples, researching current rates, inclusions / exclusions and asking all the right questions that relate to your specific situation. Remember, a good broker is in your court - not the insurance company's. For all the latest jump across to like & follow Candor Insurance on Facebook @

Thanks so much Lauren for your contributions and support of our businesses, homes and families for all these years - here's to another fabulous year of connection & protection!

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