For all your financing needs!


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Looking to secure a home loan or maybe refinance - now is definitely the time! With the RBA yesterday announcing they will keep the cash rate at 0.1% - there really has never been a better time to lock in the best deal on your lending . . . 

Michele is a Smartline Personal Mortgage Advisor and with more than 30 years experience in the banking and brokering industry, she knows exactly which loans to offer to best suit every applicant. Michele understands that being informed on every aspect enables every one of her valued clients to make good decisions on their purchasing and lending needs to ensure not only sustainablility today, but into the future as well.

Contact Michele directly on 0432 322 540, to find out more head to and for all the latest industry updates, like & follow on Facebook @

Thanks so much for all your contibutions to the business community over the past 4+ years Michele, we truly value your input at our events and look forward to another sensational year of connections & referrals for & from your terrific business!


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