Scuba Diving for Every BODY

Marlin Coast Diving

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The term "accessible tourism" is something that all of us should be familiar with in this day & age - especially up here in the beautiful tropical north, where we have so much to see and do! 

Marlin Coast Diving are all about ensuring those who want to see the world from under the waters' surface can - no matter what limits have been placed on their body or mind previously . . . 

Activities like SCUBA diving are so good for the soul, and Richard has a phenomenal team who are ready to train, rehabilitate and assist all bodies whether upstanding or in a wheelchair to experience the sensations & joy of being weightless and witnessing a whole new world that perhaps had been previously inaccessible.

If this is you or you know someone who would benefit - get in touch by calling 0400 324 664, for more information head to and of course these guys deserve every single like & follow they receive on Facebook:

Thanks for being part of the business community this past 2 years Richard - what an incrediblly innovative an much needed service - we are looking forward to catching up again soon!

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