TM's July Table Host

Lainie Poon - RDA TNQ

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Next week is our annual Government info evening for the Trading Mates, if you'd like the heads up on what's happening in our region, across the state and federally for small business, grab a ticket here: and come along to find out directly from the representatives in the know!

We are so pleased to have Lainie join us for the 4th year running to present on upcoming projects & opportunities and connect with our crew of small business owners on what Regional Development Australia have happening across their remit:

"Lainie’s focus with RDA Tropical North is to facilitate connection, collaboration and information sharing across all three levels of government for the benefit of stakeholders, industry and community in the FNQ region.  For the small business owner , Lainie and RDA Tropical North can provide intel on grants and tenders and guidance, provide letters of support and connection to government agencies and Departments."

Head to to find out more and sign up for their newsletter, you can even search for industry stakeholders in the Project Development Directory & register your business too: 

Thanks again Lainie - for your valuable time & contributions to the business community!