AH Transcription Service

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Have you connected with Helen yet? 

This lady is one dynamo of a business operator - creating her own operation on the back of a need she could see for Legal & Medical practitioners to outsource their work to a qualified professional who can interpret & understand the jargon in order to ensure letters, court notes, presentations and all kinds of reports are addressed in a timely, efficient and reliable manner.

And not only that, she's a 25 year+ qualified JP, and we all need one of those from time to time! AH Transcription Service are based here in Cairns, but Helen's reputation precedes her, so she is in demand from organisations all across Australia and around the world!

If you want to know more, head to, call +61 408 945 905 and of course you can like & follow on Facebook @

Thank you so much for all you do within our community, we truly value your input amongst our team and are thrilled to have your business onboard for yet another year of connections and warmth :)

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