Reset, unwind & relax

Robyn's Bowen Therapy & Emmett Technique

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Feeling sluggish, no energy, aches and pains? Maybe it's time for a tune up!

Robyn is a qualified Bowen & Emmett therapist - using these gentle muscle release techniques to ease pain & discomfort, suitable for all ages including babies, the elderly & even during pregnancy!

How does it work?
Bowen Therapy is a technique that works on the soft tissue of the body. This involves a sequence of movements across muscle fibres at specific sites of the body. Often used for relaxation and to assess which corrections the body may need.

Emmett Technique involves a combination of gentle switches and light pressure to release specific muscle groups, enabling the client's body to return to a balanced state. Emmett is a standalone therapy but also compliments other treatments.
While individual experiences may vary, relief is often instantaneous.

For more information on the range of services and the types of issues that get the best results, head to for all the updates, like & follow on Facebook @ or simply call or text to book your next appointment on 0431 303 453

Did you know Robyn has been part of the community since 2015? What a sensational contributor to the TM team of businesses - we have heard (& experienced) first-hand how this fabulous local lady has assisted so many of our members to unlock their pain and move out of their session feeling absolutely incredible - and all due to a series of well placed squeezes, tweaks and shifts in movement from a trained professional!

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