Technological know how for "socialising" your business ....

Miss Wastell

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So you've heard of bots, lead generation, sales automation and other scary sounding methods to target your market - but seriously....who has got the inclination or the time to work out exactly how to figure out what this means, let alone make it work successfully - especially when you really need to be out there "working"?

So DON'T!! Because this amazing and super qualified lady is ALL OVER this stuff and can get a handle on your business super fast and help you to utilise all the funky new technology and increase your branding and ultimately sales & profits!

If this sounds like a great plan to you, then grab the phone and call Rachel on 0412 686 458, check out her Facebook page and for more info go to

Welcome to the community Miss Wastell, LOVE your work and all the ways we know you'll be able to assist our members with using the latest tools and tricks to operate our businesses in the hectic 21st century :)

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