Professional Editing & Independent Publishing

The Erudite Pen

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Writing a book is a huge achievement! But having it edited, published and sold is another massive effort that takes skill, experience and the ability to make positive connections with the right people at the right time . . .

So once the book is completed, the first thing to look for is a qualified, talented editor - a friendly, kind, diligent copywriter with an eye for detail and an ability to ensure the flow of the manuscript is maintained to keep the reader intrigued and excited to find out what happens next!

Our own Trading Mate Dr Juliette operates The Erudite Pen - she has over 25 years' experience as a writer, editor and career professional, and can confidently assist you with all of your writing and publishing endeavours. Juliette provides constructive suggestions for improving your written work so that nothing stands between you and your reader whilst maintaining your unique voice throughout!

With a phenomenal history of astounding and successful authors, The Erudite Pen will ensure you are availed of every opportunity to get published and share the written word with your target readers - to find out more head to, call 0406 357 646 and to find out more about the most recent publications, head to

Thanks so much for being such a huge supporter of the team for all these years - we know just who to connect with to ensure our written word is addressed in the most erudite of manners!

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