Fabulous kitchen storage solutions!

Annette's Tupperware

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Ah now here's something we all know and love - Tupperware! These are such great products, long lasting, fantastic guarantees and so many gorgeous style and colour selections - if you haven't been to a party lately - then do yourself a favour and book one pronto! And free stuff . . . it's absolutely so easy to get your hands on some AND have a load of fun along the way.

The bubbly and vibrant (and oh-so-much-fun) Annette has got everything you need to hold a party - and your guests are absolutely guaranteed to have a hoot and be made to feel very spesh, plus walk away with a load of amazing stuff to revamp their kitchen and storage spaces.

It may be just a lid that needs replacing or if you think you could be interested in finding out more about becoming one of the new and improved 21st century Tupperware crew - than give the gorgeous Annette a call on 0418 985 171 and of course to keep up with all the trends - a like and follow on Facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/Annettes-Tupperware-288128031704861/ wouldn't go astray either!

Welcome to the www.tradingmate.com.au community of businesses, we love your sunshiny attitude and can't wait to find out more about what Tupperware has been up to lately :)

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