Connecting... Painting....Sipping.

Painting Party

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Have you ever wondered how all those amazing masterpieces are created and thought "no way, I have no artistic talent"? Well just wait til you join a Painting pARTy...and see your very own masterpiece come to life in a simple step by step process!

Yep you actually can create your very own piece of art with fabulous guidance (and patience for all of us perfectionists) using the right brushes, paint colours and strokes to perfect a unique and colourful creation - all whilst having an absolutely fabulous time.

Get onto the website and check out what's coming up soon and don't even hesitate to book yourself, your work colleagues or your friends into an amazing experience hosted by the bubbly & super talented Adriana - there is no way you or your team will regret this one! Hop on over to the Facebook Page or pick up the phone if you have any questions at all 0448 930 223

We LOVE your pARTies Adriana and thank you so much for your great contribution to the business community - looking forward to the next event to connect and have a load of fun:)

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