Travel time - don't forget your cash!

Currency Services Australia

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We all love a holiday, and now is the time many of us are getting ready to head off for a wonderful break to recharge and reset!

Have you thought about how you'll manage your spending needs - cash, card or a combination of both? The costs to use your card overseas can be exorbitant - so it's not a bad idea to carry some currency, especially to get you out of the airport, make life easier with some gratuity cash and to better negotiate purchasing. 

The tip here is - when travelling, think LOCAL!

Phyllis has been operating Currency Services Australia as a foreign currency exchange in the heart of Cairns for a good many years now. The rates are highly comparative and there's no fees or commissions, and they also offer terrific facilities for groups and corporate requirements. 

Jump online and check out the 90 currencies available @ -and make the call to find out the exchange rate on your requirements - 07 4041 0070. Jump across to like and follow on Facebook too: and if you're swinging past the Boland Centre pop in and say g'day!

Welcome to the team of businesses, we can't wait to visit you - it means a little holiday is not far away at all :)

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