Chat2 — Maximising online revenue & engagement

Websites in Cairns & Surrounds

Since 2020

Enabling businesses to talk with their customers while they are on the business website. Opening a virtual door to your business!

Chat2 provides the following services:

  • Online Chat for your Website
  • Chat Training
  • Chat Customisation Services
  • 24/7 Chat Concierge
  • Customer Service Online

More about Chat2

Thousands of customers are hovering around your website - now you have the opportunity to talk to them in real time! Open the virtual door into your business and greet your customers looking in at your business online! Grow and boost sales, leads, conversions and customer loyalty with Chat2.

Licenses and Qualifications

One of the only Australian owned Chat providers.

Contact Chat2
Karen Lloyd-Collins
  • Member Since: 02 April 2017
  • ABN: 49 164 456 348
  • Email: